best yoga teacher training for beginners

Is Yoga Teacher Training Right for Beginners?


Yoga Teacher Training: A Journey for Everyone

Are you new to the world of yoga and wondering if you’re ready for a Yoga Teacher Training course? It’s natural to have questions, and we’re here to provide you with some valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.

Yes, Beginners Can Thrive in Yoga Teacher Training

You might be surprised to learn that you don’t need to be an experienced yogi to embark on a Yoga Teacher Training journey. Contrary to common misconceptions, you don’t have to be a handstand expert or a master of flexibility to qualify for a yoga teacher training program.

In fact, many individuals pursue Yoga Teacher Training with the primary goal of deepening their personal yoga practice. Some participants don’t intend to become yoga instructors but are seeking to enhance their understanding of yoga’s intricacies and philosophy.

A Supportive Learning Environment

Yoga Teacher Training programs are designed to be supportive spaces where beginners can thrive. These programs offer ample opportunities for practice, guided learning, and self-discovery. You’ll find that these environments foster growth without judgment, allowing you to develop your skills at your own pace.

Curious to Learn? You’re Qualified!

The primary prerequisite for Yoga Teacher Training is curiosity – a genuine desire to learn more about yoga and yourself. Whether you’re a newcomer to the practice or someone seeking to enrich their understanding, you’ll find a place in a quality Yoga Teacher Training program.

What to Expect in Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Teacher Training programs often aim to certify participants through the internationally recognized Yoga Alliance organization. This certification, known as RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher), is highly valued in the yoga community. The certification process ensures that participants receive a well-rounded education in various aspects of yoga.

Yoga Teacher Training at Akshi Yogashala: The Best Choice for Beginners

At Akshi Yogashala, we believe that yoga is for everyone, regardless of their level of experience. Our Yoga Teacher Training programs are crafted to welcome beginners and help them blossom into confident practitioners.

We understand that embarking on a Yoga Teacher Training journey can be transformative, and we’re committed to providing a supportive and nurturing environment for your growth. Our experienced instructors guide you through techniques, philosophy, anatomy, and the practice of teaching, ensuring you have a well-rounded experience.

Discover Your Yoga Path at Akshi Yogashala

Whether you’re aiming to become a certified yoga instructor or simply wish to deepen your personal practice, Akshi Yogashala offers the ideal platform for your journey. With our expert guidance and inclusive approach, you’ll find yourself well-equipped to embrace the world of yoga with confidence.

Join Akshi Yogashala for the Best Yoga Teacher Training Experience in India

If you’re a beginner seeking a transformative yoga experience, look no further. Akshi Yogashala offers the best Yoga Teacher Training in India for individuals like you. Our holistic approach and dedicated instructors will guide you every step of the way, ensuring that your journey is not only enriching but also empowering. Embrace the opportunity to become a part of our yogic community, where growth, learning, and self-discovery are celebrated. Your yoga journey starts here at Akshi Yogashala – the destination for the best yoga teacher training in India.

best yoga school in Rishikesh

Do you want to become a yoga teacher? Or are you interested in learning yoga for self practice?


The yoga teacher training course is a life changing experience. If you are sure you want to take a yoga teacher training course, the best place to start is with the Basic 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course. This is an intensive course that requires your physical and emotional efforts. But be careful, as such a course can transform you and your lifestyle.

Choosing the perfect yoga teacher training course for you can be tiresome and confusing. So, we are here to help you decide you will never regret.

When choosing a yoga teacher training program, consider the following points:

  1. Be clear about your yoga goal

Clarity is essential in life. When it comes to achieving your goals, be sure to define your intentions before moving on.

If you are interested in teaching yoga, then look for schools that follow teaching methodology. If you are not interested in teaching yoga, look for schools that specialize in topics that interest you. It is important to set the right goal, and then work towards its achievement.


  1. What will you do with the acquired knowledge after finishing the yoga instructor course?

It is important to clarify how you will use yoga knowledge in the future, and then look for a suitable yoga teacher training school.


If you want to teach in a yoga studio, look for yoga teacher training courses that offer a Yoga Alliance certification upon graduation. And if you want to change your lifestyle, for example, want to include pranayama, meditation, yoga philosophy in your life, then choose yoga teacher training accordingly.


  1. Determine the type of yoga

Different yoga schools offer different courses for different styles of yoga. If you want to practice a particular type of yoga, look for yoga schools that offer the same approach.


Some yoga training centers offer unique programs for different types of yoga. Hatha Yoga is the most popular and foundational yoga style included in the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program. All other styles are born from hatha yoga. Explore the various styles in detail to see which one is perfect for you.


  1. Choose the right learning style

Everyone has their own unique learning style; choose what suits you BETTER!


Here you have two options. First, you can go through intensive immersion programs during which you disconnect from the rest of the world and immerse yourself in a deeper understanding of yoga. And the second option is to choose yoga training without leaving home, that is, online yoga teacher training. It’s up to you what you prefer.

  1. The perfect place to learn yoga

Choose India for the best yoga training experience, an experience you will never forget.

There are many reasons why India is the best place to study yoga.


  • The birthplace of yoga
  • Authentic yoga training
  • Experienced teachers and yoga gurus
  • Affordable prices
  • Yogic food

Since it will take a month to learn yoga, choose a place where you feel comfortable and where you would like to start your yoga journey. Look at the various yoga schools in India that offer courses that interest you.



  1. Think about the cost


Cost is an important factor, but not overly important. If you choose India for yoga teacher training, yoga training will be fun yet affordable.

  1. Listen to the experiences of others

By listening and learning from others, you will easily plan!


After hearing the opinions of people in the same profession, you will be able to decide about Yoga TTC. If you admire any yoga teacher, just ask him where he/she was trained and how was his/her whole experience of study yoga.


In the end, the decision should be yours, because everyone is unique and there is no universal course that would suit everyone.

  1. Choose a place that resonates with you


Yoga training can be physically and mentally challenging. So, choose a place where you feel at home. And then check off your favorite yoga teacher training schools, visit them, attend a few classes, and then decide.


Training is a significant investment for a yoga teacher, so it must be productive. Make sure you like your teacher trainers and the way they teach.


We hope these points will help you choose the perfect yoga teacher training course. A good course can affect your entire life. So be wise in your decisions as some decisions cannot be undone.


If you choose India for yoga teacher training, choose Akshi Yogashala yoga school in Rishikesh. We offer 100, 200, 300 and 500 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. This is an opportunity to learn yoga in the bosom of nature and on the Ganges. The vibrations of this place are fantastic and embrace you with positive energy.

Happy yoga journey with Akshi Yogashala !

ESSENCE OF YOGA Best YTTC 200 hrs Rishikesh



Essence of yoga

The history of Yoga dates back to time immemorial, and includes a huge body of scriptures. That scriptures navigate the human experience and how we may train the mind through the body, thereby achieving the union of “Yog” with the all that is. So what is essence of yoga?

To witness the self as a direct expression of all that is. And without attaching to experiences, remaining free from conceptions and ideas. Whilst being spontaneously joyous, spring forth with universal knowledge both verbally and non-verbally as a direct outer of the eternal wisdom of the universal. This can become quite esoteric and difficult to comprehend. But may also be simplified when taken in the pathways of everyday practical Yoga routines available to us in real and tangible teachings.

The simplest of these is arguable the Astanga 8 limbs of Yoga. Which teaches us how we may walk the path the renunciates (Yogis) do, while we are still living in the material and commercial world of modernity and stressors.

Applying teachings

In fact, when we take written teachings and apply them where we are, it is the immediate experience. And this experience provides a learning environment and incentive to change our worldview and view of ourselves in it. And thus, we achieve greater knowledge of ourselves and others, our inner and outer world. So what is essence of yoga?

The Ashtanga teachings include a simplification and elucidation of the core yogic path. This was created to simplify and find an accord between the varying schools of Yoga. So it can sometimes cause much confusion to the beginning practitioner or potential student.

To summarize those principles here are the core 8 limbs as recorded in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali:

1) Yama (ethical restraints) 2) Niyama (personal observances) 3) Asana (physical postures) 4) Pranayama (breath control) 5) Pratyahara (sense withdrawal) 6) Dharana (concentration) 7) Dhyana (meditation) 8) Samadhi (a state of unity)

The first two limbs consist of ethical and personal restraints and observances that lead us into more and more peace, thereby ensuring our practice may proceed with minimal obstructions. To go to the third step with no regard for the initial two is only going to create more challenges to your practice yielding the fruits your practice would otherwise provide. So it is best to adhere to the path of the ancient teachings in the acknowledgement that you will proceed more easily, and effectively through the path towards self realization and moksha, liberation and freedom from suffering for want of a better translation from Sanskrit.

The following are the breakdown of steps that make up the Yamas and Niyamas:

YAMAS (ethical restraints)

1) Nonviolence (Ahimsa) – doing no harm to oneself or to any living being or “From harming

ourselves and others to kindness and compassion for self and others”. 2) Truthfulness (Satya) – honesty and forthrightness without doing harm or “From lies and

half-truths to expressing our uniqueness and authenticity”. 3) Non-stealing (Asteya) – removing the tendency to look outwards for satisfaction or

“From theft to cultivating new skills and abilities”. 4) Non-excess (Brahmacharya) – being present to the divinity in life and not seeking more

or “From greed to appreciation and pleasure without excess”. 5) Non-possessiveness (Aparigraha) – freedom from desire to “own” or “keep” people,

status and material possessions or “From attachment to intimacy without possession”.

Check: 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

NIYAMAS (personal observances)

1) Purity (Saucha) – continual clarification of our intent, thoughts, emotions and actions or

“Cleansing our bodies, our speech, our thoughts”. 2) Contentment (Santosha) – being at peace with the present state of awareness, internal

and external conditions or “Falling in love with our own life”. 3) Self-discipline (Tapas) – maintaining the drive and motivation to embrace eternal

change and create balance of “soft” and “hard” in ourself and practices or “Consciously choosing discipline and growth”. 4) Self-study (Svadhyaya) – to study the universal and small self, to also examine the

mind, its thoughts emotions and feelings arising in reaction to the external world, and learning the essence of our conditioned self to release this, so we may rest fully and completely in the expansive universal self and consciousness, or “Knowing the Self”. 5) Surrender (Ishvara Pranidhana) – to release control and embrace the progression

along the path as being like that of a river you have entered, carrying you downstream towards the ocean of enlightenment you release the need to struggle against perceived obstacles. This is essential for regaining faith in ourselves, and the outside world, embracing change and opening the heart and mind or “Paying attention to what life is asking of us”.

I trust that this brief explanation of the core principles in Yogic practice makes clear what was not before, and hides you along the path to union with truth, bliss, peace and consciousness.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

By Thomas Clayden Eckersley B.H.Sc

yoga teacher training in india

How to choose best Yoga teacher training course


So, you want to do your yoga teacher training and curious how to choose best yoga teacher training course for you? That is awesome! In my opinion, doing a yoga teacher training program, even if you never intend to teach a day in your life, is one of the most amazing, life-transforming things you can do for yourself.

That said, with so many options for trainings out there, how do you even begin to decide which program is right for you? How do you know if the one you are going to be investing a few thousand dollars and at least 200 hours of your time into is going to pay off for you?

If you are feeling confused about your options, this post is for you. I have created this checklist of considerations to help you narrow down your search for programs that best suit you and your life.

1. Make Sure Your Training is Yoga Alliance-Certified:

As the international governing body for yoga, the Yoga Alliance has set the standard for what a properly constructed teacher training program must contain.

If you hope to teach yoga at some point in your future, you want to ensure that the training you choose is Certified by the Yoga Alliance; otherwise, you will not qualify for insurance.

I know it does not feel all that yogic, but insurance is a part of the world we live in, and an important point to keep in mind while you are program shopping.

I am not saying that taking a training that is non-Yoga Alliance certified is a mistake—there is a plethora of good non-accredited trainings out there—just know that your chances of teaching and teaching safely may be diminished if you disregard this credential in your decision.

2. Choose Hours That Work for Your Life:

For some, totally checking out of their everyday life and going on a retreat-style yoga teacher training is far more effective for learning. For others, doing their training in their hometown on evenings and weekends works best.

You have to think this through before signing up for anything. If you know that life is going to distract you from your studies, you are most likely better off getting out and away.

If you know that you need time to go away and digest concepts, perhaps doing your teacher training course over a longer period of time, with breaks in between sessions, will serve you better.

Take into account how you learn, and how much life is going to serve as a distraction from your learning. From there, you will have a better idea on what kind of training will serve you best.

3. Look into How They Teach Anatomy:

This is a big one. Make sure that your yoga teacher training program has a strong anatomy section. I would even suggest that you do some research on what the instructor of the program you are looking into has to teach that section.

Anatomy may not seem like the biggest deal when you are in the middle of trying to memorize all the Sanskrit names for postures or figuring out how to sequence properly.

Still, a solid understanding of human anatomy will not only transform your own practice into one that is ideal for your specific body, it will also enable you to bring so much more consciousness to your teaching in public and private classes.

Knowing your anatomy is going to pay off big time in the long run, so make sure it is really emphasized in your program.

4. Study the Program’s History:

Do some research into the history of the company with whom you are considering doing your training.

There are some companies that have been around forever, doing teacher trainings for years, and that have extensive experience delivering very strong programs.

It is not all that difficult to put a teacher training program together, however, and just because a program is certified by the Yoga Alliance, does not mean it is top quality.

Unless you have a ‘home’ studio that you know and trust through which you are doing your training, do a thorough background check on the company. Read reviews, talk to people who have been through the program, and get very familiar with your studio of choice.

5. Evaluate the Course Syllabus for Balance of Subjects Taught:

This is my favorite tip—each Yoga TTC is required a minimum number of hours dedicated to things like posture labs, anatomy, history, and philosophy—but each teacher training is going to emphasize different areas, and bring their own style to their program.

If you are really into the nuts and bolts of yoga asana, then a spiritually-focused program most likely isn’t for you. Likewise, if discussing the Yoga Sutras at length turns you on, then a super anatomy-focused program may make you feel less than interested.

Study the curriculum and ask about how many hours are dedicated to each topic if it is not advertised. Pick a program that speaks your language.

6. Do Research on The Instructors:

Lastly, check up on the teacher trainers with whom you are thinking of studying. Look at how long they have been teaching, how long they have been doing teacher training, and even at who trained them. This information is useful for deciding if you want to work with them or not.

I am not saying not to do your training with a teacher that does not have thousands of years of teacher experience—some of the best teachers I have ever worked with have been relatively new—I am simply suggesting you get an idea and feel for your instructors.

Take some public classes with the teachers who will be on your teacher training faculty as well. Make sure you enjoy their teaching style and connect with them.

So what do you think? Do any of these tips make choosing your program seem less overwhelming? If you have done your training, is there anything you would add to this list?

Ram Jhula Best Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh

Things to do in Rishikesh for Cool Getaway Fun, Adventure and Thrill


Where heavenly abodes spray the rays of love, and nature spreads its mystical tentacles through the Himalayas. It is Rishikesh, in India. Situated towards the North of India, in Uttarakhand, it is a land of God. And for adventure seekers for its religiosity fervor, thrilling activities and beauty making it a most preferred choice for the million tourists and pilgrims.

In Rishikesh the glistening river Ganga flings an exciting charm, the chants from the temples touch the soul, the scenic backdrop refreshes the senses and adventure raise the nerves. There is everything for everybody.

Let us here make you know about few marvels that make Rishikesh so lucrative.

River Rafting

Rafting in the river Ganga is both thrilling and fun. Except for the months between October to June, and monsoon. All other months are best to challenge your spirit over the river. However, it is better to do the rafting in weekdays. As the crowd is less and you will get more attention. River rafting has 13 rapids and stretches to choose. The stretches are ranked on the scale of 1 to 5 depending on the movement of water over the underlying rocks, river volume, and rock size. And with the interesting names of rapids like 3 Blind Mice, Sweet Sixteen, Black Money, Roller Coaster, Back to sender and Cross Fire makes the experience of river rafting even more exciting.

Night Camping

The effect of Rishikesh gets more intoxicating with the pleasure of night camping amidst the natural divine lands when the moonlit rays spread across the green terrains. You can enjoy the camping with family, friends, and colleagues bringing the memories alive. Besides spending night under the stars, camping has for you river rafting, body surfing, cliff jumping, bonfire including options to play games besides meals and snacks. A best get away far from the maddening crowd, isn’t it!


Rishikesh is a yoga capital of the world, making it a most preferred choice for the yoga lovers. There are many yoga Schools, institutes, and ashrams especially for teaching yoga and generating awareness about health through yoga in Rishikesh. Just imagine learning yoga amidst the Himalayan ranges or sounds of chants and the rhythmic Ganga river. Thousands of yoga aspirants from across the globe come to Rishikesh only to learn yoga. International yoga festival which is held annually is an added attraction. It is a weeklong festival wherein yoga lovers’ gets a chance to grab the ample benefits of yoga under the guidance of highly learned yoga teachers.

Neelkanth Mahadev Temple

It is an ancient and a sacred temple situated around 20 km from Rishikesh. It is located on a hill at the height of 1330 mt. above the Swargashram and near the Nar Narayan mountain ranges. Temple is enveloped between the valleys of Manikoot, Brahmakoot, Vishnukoot, and in the place where the rivers, Pankaja and Madhumati confluences. Besides that the complex is surrounded by dense forests making it a best scenic treat. And, the 12 km stretch between the Swarg Ashram and Neelkanth makes a wonderful trek.

The temple is beautifully constructed adorned with ancient architectural designs and beautiful surroundings. It also has a natural spring where devotees take holy bath before entering the temple. The sanctum santorum houses a Shiva Lingam, the idol of the presiding deity. Devotees offer coconut, flowers, milk, honey, fruits and water at the shrine. And then they receives ‘Parshad’, the holy gift from God, in form of ‘vibhuti’ (ashes), ‘chandan’ (sandalwood) and other holy things.

The Beatles Ashram (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi)

If you are interested to see the place where Beatles, a famous band group of the 1960s had learned transcendental meditation, then come to Swargashram where the Maharishi Mahesh Additionally yogi ashram now known as the Beatles Ashram is located. It is best to take a road that starts from Ram Jhula. You will find the iron gate of the ashram at the end of this very road.  Ashram’s old buildings is narrating the story of Beatles journey of transformation and learning experience. Recently you can enter the complex by buying ticket. Beatles was the most popular band of 1960’s who had come to the Maharishi Mahesh yogi’s ashram to learn the transcendental meditation. Their visit brought Rishikesh into limelight and made it a world famous tourist and yoga destination.

Shivananda Ashram

Shivananda Ashram was started by Swami Shivananda in early 1930’s and since then had been providing intense knowledge of yoga to the people through its organization, Divine Life Society. The Society was formed on the principles of purity, nobility, integrity and magnanimity in the year 1936. Moreover ashram has different batches for men and women, morning for men and evening for women.

The Divine Life Society spreads the knowledge of yoga and spirituality through the regular publication of pamphlets, books, and magazine. Which give the knowledge of the different aspects of Yoga and Vedanta, universal religion and philosophy. Also Swami Sivananda promoted the idea that to become a member of the ashram, an aspirant yogi has to join the first three principles of the Yamas (moral principles as mentioned in Yoga Sutras of Sage Patanjali). The ashram is located near Ram Jhula.

Ganga Aarti at Parmarth Niketan

As the sun sets thousands of people throng at Parmarth Niketan Ashram near river Ganga to witness the famous Ganga Aarti. It is a divine fire ceremony which is accompanied by the chanting of mantras, songs, prayer and rituals. Moreover in this ceremony people offer oil lamps to mother Ganga. Witness Ganga Aarti is a very soothing and heartwarming. And it is a time when we break ourselves from the stresses and attain divine light in our life.

Pujya Swami Shukdevanandji Maharaj (1901–1965) formed Parmarth Niketan Ashram  in 1942. Now the ashram has more than 1000 rooms in a clean, pure and sacred environment including beautiful gardens. In the ashram, people do yoga, preferably Vinyasa Yoga, Hatha yoga and yoga Nidra, universal prayers and meditation and listen to the Satsang and lecture programs. Besides natural cure and Ayurvedic treatment is also provided. Ashram also has 14 feet Shiva statue. Also Vijaypal Baghel of Himalaya Vahini planted the divine tree of heaven Kalpavriksha.

Vashisht Cave

It is an ancient cave located towards the middle of a grove of Gular (Ficus) trees and slopes towards sacred river Ganga. Sage Vashishta who was one among the seven great sages of India (Saptrishis) and a teacher of Lord Rama is said to have meditated here for many years, making it one of the holiest places among Hindus. Also in 1930 Sri Swami Purushottamananda Ji is said to have visited the cave and established the ashram near it, and now the cave is being managed by the trust of Sri Swami Purushottamanandaj ji ashram. Moreover the cave is 60 feet deep and is naturally formed having Shiva Lingam inclined vertically towards its opening. To reach the cave, climb 200 steps, which becomes quite tiresome but at the same time mysterious and adventurous.

Ram Jhula

It is an iron suspension bridge over the river Ganga. Was build with a span of 750 feet (230 m) connecting Sivananda ashram with Swargashram. It is bigger than Lakshman Jhula. Only a pedestrian bridge, it also provides panoramic view of river Ganga and Rishikesh city which throngs with temples. The bridge is located 3km towards the North East of Rishikesh. Built in the year 1986 it became one of the most iconic landmarks of Rishikesh.

Lakshman Jhula

It is an iron suspension bridge over the river Ganga and is located 5 km from the town of Rishikesh. U.P.P.W.D. built the bridge during 1927–1929 in place of the old bridge of 284 feet span. Floods washed old one away in 1924. The bridge was opened to traffic on April 11, 1930.The bridge connects the two villages; Tapovan in Tehri Garhwal district to Jonk in Pauri Garhwal district. Also it was believed that Lakshmana, brother of Lord Rama had crossed the river on jute ropes in the very place where this bridge is located now. The bridge spans 450 feet. No toll or tax is ever realized for crossing it.

Patna Waterfall

Patna Waterfall is 7 km from Lakshman Jhula on the Neelkanth Temple road. It is accessible only with a 1.5 km tough trek. Though h water is less but the beauty of the place is enough to attract the tourists towards it. And to add to it there are some limestone caves near the falls, and the drops falling from the stones is a wonderful treat to the eyes.

These are few but amazing things to do in Rishikesh. And it can make your vacations worthy, and believe you won’t get back without getting intoxicated by the religiosity and beauty of this place.

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