best yoga school in Rishikesh

Do you want to become a yoga teacher? Or are you interested in learning yoga for self practice?


The yoga teacher training course is a life changing experience. If you are sure you want to take a yoga teacher training course, the best place to start is with the Basic 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course. This is an intensive course that requires your physical and emotional efforts. But be careful, as such a course can transform you and your lifestyle.

Choosing the perfect yoga teacher training course for you can be tiresome and confusing. So, we are here to help you decide you will never regret.

When choosing a yoga teacher training program, consider the following points:

  1. Be clear about your yoga goal

Clarity is essential in life. When it comes to achieving your goals, be sure to define your intentions before moving on.

If you are interested in teaching yoga, then look for schools that follow teaching methodology. If you are not interested in teaching yoga, look for schools that specialize in topics that interest you. It is important to set the right goal, and then work towards its achievement.


  1. What will you do with the acquired knowledge after finishing the yoga instructor course?

It is important to clarify how you will use yoga knowledge in the future, and then look for a suitable yoga teacher training school.


If you want to teach in a yoga studio, look for yoga teacher training courses that offer a Yoga Alliance certification upon graduation. And if you want to change your lifestyle, for example, want to include pranayama, meditation, yoga philosophy in your life, then choose yoga teacher training accordingly.


  1. Determine the type of yoga

Different yoga schools offer different courses for different styles of yoga. If you want to practice a particular type of yoga, look for yoga schools that offer the same approach.


Some yoga training centers offer unique programs for different types of yoga. Hatha Yoga is the most popular and foundational yoga style included in the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program. All other styles are born from hatha yoga. Explore the various styles in detail to see which one is perfect for you.


  1. Choose the right learning style

Everyone has their own unique learning style; choose what suits you BETTER!


Here you have two options. First, you can go through intensive immersion programs during which you disconnect from the rest of the world and immerse yourself in a deeper understanding of yoga. And the second option is to choose yoga training without leaving home, that is, online yoga teacher training. It’s up to you what you prefer.

  1. The perfect place to learn yoga

Choose India for the best yoga training experience, an experience you will never forget.

There are many reasons why India is the best place to study yoga.


  • The birthplace of yoga
  • Authentic yoga training
  • Experienced teachers and yoga gurus
  • Affordable prices
  • Yogic food

Since it will take a month to learn yoga, choose a place where you feel comfortable and where you would like to start your yoga journey. Look at the various yoga schools in India that offer courses that interest you.



  1. Think about the cost


Cost is an important factor, but not overly important. If you choose India for yoga teacher training, yoga training will be fun yet affordable.

  1. Listen to the experiences of others

By listening and learning from others, you will easily plan!


After hearing the opinions of people in the same profession, you will be able to decide about Yoga TTC. If you admire any yoga teacher, just ask him where he/she was trained and how was his/her whole experience of study yoga.


In the end, the decision should be yours, because everyone is unique and there is no universal course that would suit everyone.

  1. Choose a place that resonates with you


Yoga training can be physically and mentally challenging. So, choose a place where you feel at home. And then check off your favorite yoga teacher training schools, visit them, attend a few classes, and then decide.


Training is a significant investment for a yoga teacher, so it must be productive. Make sure you like your teacher trainers and the way they teach.


We hope these points will help you choose the perfect yoga teacher training course. A good course can affect your entire life. So be wise in your decisions as some decisions cannot be undone.


If you choose India for yoga teacher training, choose Akshi Yogashala yoga school in Rishikesh. We offer 100, 200, 300 and 500 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. This is an opportunity to learn yoga in the bosom of nature and on the Ganges. The vibrations of this place are fantastic and embrace you with positive energy.

Happy yoga journey with Akshi Yogashala !

Best yoga school rishikesh

My Transformative Journey: Completing the 200-Hour YTTC in Rishikesh in best yoga school – Shaun M. Leonard


My journey into Yoga and way to my 200 hours Yoga TTC

I was first introduced to yoga during physical therapy for a dislocated ankle and fractured fibula I suffered playing college football. From that point forward, I began supplementing my strength and conditioning program with yoga to improve joint flexibility, mobility, and stability. Following my college career, I decided to take a step back from weight training. And I began to attend yoga classes a few times per week to maintain my fitness.


One day during a Vinyasa Flow class, I unintentionally entered a state of meditation. When I realized what I  experienced, it made me wonder if there could be more to yoga than just physical exercise. It was that moment, that created a desire for me to seek a deeper understanding of the history of yoga. And that search is what lead me to one of Rishikesh’s top yoga schools: Akshi Yogashala.

My experience about learning yoga in India

As soon as I arrived at the campus, I knew I am exactly where I supposed to be. And I am doing exactly what I supposed to be doing. The entire Akshi family – from reception to facilities management, from dining services to the gurus (yoga teachers) themselves – immediately embraced your presence. And they humbly welcomed you into their community. During orientation day management of the course clearly outlined the structure of the program. They met expectations and requirements. And the start of our journey as students and teachers celebrated with a fire ceremony.


The 200-hour yoga teacher training course itself was immersive and demanding. But at the same time, it was fulfilling and manageable. Words can’t really explain the experience in its entirety – it is simply something one has to live on their own to truly understand and appreciate. However, after the first day of class, I realized something. That yoga is more than physical fitness. In fact, I realized that I had never practiced yoga before. What I have done before is called practicing asanas. Moreover, yoga isn’t about handstands and impressive backbends. Yoga is an approach to life; a way of living based on thousands upon thousands of years of lived experience.

My realizations about YTTC in Rishikesh

My 200 hours teacher training course was a success. But, not because I achieved an advanced asana, passed a written examination, successfully led my own class, and received a Yoga Alliance certification. My 200 hours  yoga TTC was a success. Because it made me realize that as a teacher, I will always be a student first, and a guide second. And that piece of knowledge gained directly from the wisdom shared at Akshi Yogashala.











My 200 Hours (Testimonial)

Shaun M. Leonard, RYT 200

Boston, MA, U.S.A.

what is yoga yoga teacher training akshi yogashala

Meaning of Yoga. Is it Meditation Or Exercise?


Exploring Yoga: Meaning, Types, and the Power of Niyama


In the serene mornings of traditional India, women create intricate patterns known as kolam or rangoli using rice flour, connecting dots with lines, much like the way we connect stars to form constellations. This simple act mirrors the essence of yoga – the art of aligning and connecting to unlock the boundless potential within. But what is yoga? Have you heard of “yamas” and “niyamas”?

What is Yoga? A Journey of Alignment

At its core, yoga signifies alignment. It’s about harmonizing elements, whether they are two body parts, two objects, or two concepts. In Indian astrology, when stars and planets align to create a favorable pattern, it’s referred to as “yoga.” Similarly, in social contexts, “yoga” signifies the convergence of seemingly disparate elements to achieve success.

The Many Dimensions of Yoga

Yoga takes on various meanings depending on the context. It can denote the alignment of mind and body or simply the coordination of different body parts. It might refer to the balance between front and back, left and right, or upper and lower body segments. For some, it represents the connection between an individual and society, while for others, it signifies the bond between two people, whether it’s between spouses, parents and children, teachers and students, or friends. In a spiritual sense, yoga symbolizes the connection between the devotee and the divine.

Diverse Paths to Connection

Yoga encompasses diverse paths to establish these connections. “Karma yoga” emphasizes connecting through action, aligning individual efforts with broader social objectives. “Bhakti yoga” focuses on emotional connection, be it with a person or a personal deity. “Gyan yoga” is intellectual in nature, while “hatha yoga” centers on the physical. “Tantra yoga” finds significance in rituals and symbols, weaving the sacred into the mundane.

Beyond Asanas: The Essence of Niyama

Contrary to popular belief, yoga is not solely about physical postures (“asanas”). Asanas come third in the eight-limbed path of Yoga, as described by Patanjali, following “yamas” or abstinence and “niyamas” or observances. Let’s delve into the second limb of yoga, Niyama.

Niyama: The Path of Inner Observance

Niyama, a Sanskrit term for duty or observance, plays a crucial role in yogic philosophy. In Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, he outlines five niyamas as part of the second limb of yoga. These practices focus on inner observance, applying ethical codes to one’s mind, body, and spirit, fostering a positive internal environment.

The five yoga niyamas are:

1. Saucha: Purification and clarity of mind, body, and communication. This acknowledges the impact of one’s external surroundings on internal purity.

2. Santosha: Contentment and acceptance of the world and oneself, free from cravings and suffering.

3. Tapas: Intense self-discipline and willpower, even in discomfort, for positive transformation.

4. Svadhyaya: Self-study and self-reflection, exploring one’s identity in the moment and connection with the Divine.

5. Ishvara Pranidhana: Surrender and contemplation of the Divine, dedicating one’s work to a higher power and transcending ego-driven desires.

Embark on Your Yogic Journey

Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or a beginner, yoga welcomes all to align, connect, and explore their limitless potential. At Akshi Yogashala, we embrace yoga in all its dimensions, offering a supportive environment for your journey. Join us for a transformative experience, and unlock the best yoga teacher training in India. Your path to inner alignment and connection starts here.

christmas celebration in akshi yogashala Best Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh

Christmas Celebration at Akshi Yogashala


Compared to Diwali and other religious festivals, the celebration of Christmas in India is quite small. However, in recent years sightings of Christmas Baba have become more and more widespread across the nation as mango trees are decorated, Midnight mass services are held, and festively wrapped gifts are opened excitedly by children. Akshi Yogashala has started a tradition of their own for the holiday, a tradition that is centered around Karma Yoga and the gift of giving.

Rishikesh, the Yoga Capital of The World, is a hotspot for tourists and visitors from India and beyond. Unfortunately – like many popular destinations across the world – if one ventures slightly off of the beaten path they will find themselves amidst communities where folks don’t have access to family sustaining careers and are struggling to fulfill their daily needs. Committed to sharing and caring, Akshi Foundation developed a way to give back to the local community during the Christmas season.

In March of 2013, the Udaan Foundation Trust, launched a free school for underprivileged students in Rishikesh. Akshi Foundation recognized this meaningful work, and decided to reach out to the school to see how they could best support their efforts. This helping hand was received graciously by the trust, and an annual Christmas celebration was coordinated.

This year Akshi Yogashala collected donations to buy clothes for students and hand delivered that offering to the school on Christmas Day. In addition to this gesture, students enrolled in Akshi’s 200 Hour Yoga TTC visited the school to celebrate the holiday with the children. The morning was filled with dancing and live performances, smiles and laughter, and most importantly, genuine appreciation for the work the Udaan Foundation does to provide these youth with access to education.

The Christmas celebration at Udaan Foundation Trust’s school is more than just a symbol of Akshi Foundation’s gratitude to the Rishikesh community. It is an opportunity to highlight the true nature of holiday spirit. Selfless actions for the greater good are what makes celebrating Christmas special, and they are also fundamental to the teachings of yoga. As a leader in the yoga community, Akshi Foundation believes it is their duty to instill these values in their students, and leading by example is one of the most effective ways for a teacher to communicate these ideals.

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