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8 best asanas in yoga for migraine relief


Migraines can be incredibly debilitating, causing intense headaches, nausea, and sensory sensitivity. While medication is often a go-to solution, many people seek alternative methods to alleviate their migraine symptoms. Yoga, with its holistic approach to health and wellness, offers a natural and effective way to manage migraines. In this article, we will explore the top eight yoga asanas (postures) that can help you find relief from migraine pain.

  1. Child’s Pose (Balasana): Begin your practice with Child’s Pose, a resting pose that promotes relaxation and reduces stress, common migraine triggers. This gentle stretch calms the mind and relieves tension in the neck and shoulders.
  2. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana): Bridge Pose stimulates the thyroid gland, improving metabolism and reducing the frequency of hormonal migraines. It also strengthens the spine, helping to maintain good posture.
  3. Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): This iconic yoga pose increases blood flow to the head, providing relief from headaches. It also stretches the spine and hamstrings, relieving tension in the neck and upper back.
  4. Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana): Cat-Cow Pose helps alleviate stress and tension by gently massaging the spine. This fluid movement can reduce the severity and frequency of migraines, especially those triggered by muscle tension.
  5. Headstand (Sirsasana): While advanced, Headstand can be beneficial for chronic migraine sufferers. This inversion posture increases blood circulation to the brain, improving overall brain health and reducing migraine frequency.
  6. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana): Seated Forward Bend stretches the spine and soothes the nervous system, providing relief from migraine pain. Regular practice can also improve sleep quality, reducing migraine triggers.
  7. Corpse Pose (Shavasana): The ultimate relaxation pose, Corpse Pose, can be a powerful tool for migraine management. It promotes deep relaxation, stress reduction, and mental clarity, which can help prevent migraine episodes.
  8. Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana Pranayama): This breathing technique balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain, reducing stress and calming the mind. Regular practice can decrease the intensity and frequency of migraines.

Yoga for Migraine relief is about more than just medication. By integrating these yoga asanas into your routine, you can take significant steps towards reducing the frequency and intensity of migraine episodes. Regular practice not only alleviates the pain but also promotes a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

Are you passionate about the healing potential of yoga? Consider taking your practice to the next level by enrolling in a Yoga Teacher Training program. Comprehensive training of Akshi Yogashala will equip you with the skills and knowledge to share the benefits of yoga with others, helping them find relief and balance in their lives.

Whether you’re seeking relief from migraines or looking to deepen your yoga practice, remember that yoga offers a path to holistic well-being that can benefit both your physical and mental health. Embrace the power of yoga and start your journey towards a healthier, happier life.

best yoga school in Rishikesh

Do you want to become a yoga teacher? Or are you interested in learning yoga for self practice?


The yoga teacher training course is a life changing experience. If you are sure you want to take a yoga teacher training course, the best place to start is with the Basic 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course. This is an intensive course that requires your physical and emotional efforts. But be careful, as such a course can transform you and your lifestyle.

Choosing the perfect yoga teacher training course for you can be tiresome and confusing. So, we are here to help you decide you will never regret.

When choosing a yoga teacher training program, consider the following points:

  1. Be clear about your yoga goal

Clarity is essential in life. When it comes to achieving your goals, be sure to define your intentions before moving on.

If you are interested in teaching yoga, then look for schools that follow teaching methodology. If you are not interested in teaching yoga, look for schools that specialize in topics that interest you. It is important to set the right goal, and then work towards its achievement.


  1. What will you do with the acquired knowledge after finishing the yoga instructor course?

It is important to clarify how you will use yoga knowledge in the future, and then look for a suitable yoga teacher training school.


If you want to teach in a yoga studio, look for yoga teacher training courses that offer a Yoga Alliance certification upon graduation. And if you want to change your lifestyle, for example, want to include pranayama, meditation, yoga philosophy in your life, then choose yoga teacher training accordingly.


  1. Determine the type of yoga

Different yoga schools offer different courses for different styles of yoga. If you want to practice a particular type of yoga, look for yoga schools that offer the same approach.


Some yoga training centers offer unique programs for different types of yoga. Hatha Yoga is the most popular and foundational yoga style included in the 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program. All other styles are born from hatha yoga. Explore the various styles in detail to see which one is perfect for you.


  1. Choose the right learning style

Everyone has their own unique learning style; choose what suits you BETTER!


Here you have two options. First, you can go through intensive immersion programs during which you disconnect from the rest of the world and immerse yourself in a deeper understanding of yoga. And the second option is to choose yoga training without leaving home, that is, online yoga teacher training. It’s up to you what you prefer.

  1. The perfect place to learn yoga

Choose India for the best yoga training experience, an experience you will never forget.

There are many reasons why India is the best place to study yoga.


  • The birthplace of yoga
  • Authentic yoga training
  • Experienced teachers and yoga gurus
  • Affordable prices
  • Yogic food

Since it will take a month to learn yoga, choose a place where you feel comfortable and where you would like to start your yoga journey. Look at the various yoga schools in India that offer courses that interest you.



  1. Think about the cost


Cost is an important factor, but not overly important. If you choose India for yoga teacher training, yoga training will be fun yet affordable.

  1. Listen to the experiences of others

By listening and learning from others, you will easily plan!


After hearing the opinions of people in the same profession, you will be able to decide about Yoga TTC. If you admire any yoga teacher, just ask him where he/she was trained and how was his/her whole experience of study yoga.


In the end, the decision should be yours, because everyone is unique and there is no universal course that would suit everyone.

  1. Choose a place that resonates with you


Yoga training can be physically and mentally challenging. So, choose a place where you feel at home. And then check off your favorite yoga teacher training schools, visit them, attend a few classes, and then decide.


Training is a significant investment for a yoga teacher, so it must be productive. Make sure you like your teacher trainers and the way they teach.


We hope these points will help you choose the perfect yoga teacher training course. A good course can affect your entire life. So be wise in your decisions as some decisions cannot be undone.


If you choose India for yoga teacher training, choose Akshi Yogashala yoga school in Rishikesh. We offer 100, 200, 300 and 500 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. This is an opportunity to learn yoga in the bosom of nature and on the Ganges. The vibrations of this place are fantastic and embrace you with positive energy.

Happy yoga journey with Akshi Yogashala !

Yoga for Shoulder Pain Best Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh

How to Use Yoga for Shoulder Pain, Stretches for shoulder pain


How to Use Yoga for Shoulder Pain, Stretches for shoulder pain: Yoga is an ancient practice whose objective is to take the human body to a state of balance. Within the human body there are also other subtle energies such as the mental body, the emotional and the spiritual body. In our daily life, in our every day activities. we focus mainly into the physical body only. Yoga makes special emphasis to connect with our five senses and develop the capacity of becoming more sensitive about them in order to touch these subtle energies that are flowing within us.

Connection mind- body- emotions

It is known that every part of the physical body is related with some emotional memories from the past, and that our subconscious body is wiser than our intellectual body and thus it is reflecting through the physical body some sore, pain, or even some decease in order to alert us that something in our emotional or mental level is unbalanced.

Within the psyche science, shoulders in our body represent the capacity of holding an emotional weight, either happiness, sadness, fear or anger whether it is under our control or not. We might feel unbalanced whenever we have the sensation that we still have too many of goals to accomplish and it might be too intense to complete them , or even to feel non satisfied about it.

Also when we are experiencing certain insecurities either emotional or material, shoulders might tend to tense. In the moment of tension, they are also contracting and therefor closing up. This connotation of closing implies also blockage to communication with ourselves and with the environment. As a consequence , shoulders might block the openness with the heart because it rests between both shoulders and, and this tension would be blocking as well the natural flow with the rest of our body.

Check: 200 hour Yoga TTC in Rishikesh

Yoga for Shoulder Pain

Asanas in Yoga promote the openness of the distance between the shoulders and the ears, they are improving the functions of the respiration system. All this will generate a release of this tension and also a decrease of the pain on this area as well as in the neck and in the upper back.

  1. Garudasana (eagle pose). This asana will stretch the dorsal area and the arm muscles.

  1. Ardha Uttanasana (half standing forward bend pose). This posture benefits the stretching of the frontal torso as well as the strengthening of the back muscles, creating distance between the shoulder and the ears.

  1. Gomukasana (cow pose). It helps to expand the chest improving the heart functions, it also optimizes the openness of the shoulders and the elongation of the upper part of the back.

  1. Adomukhasvanasana (downward facing dog). The appropriated performance of this pose benefits the openness of the shoulders, armpits, and chest as well as the elongation of the spine.

  1. Pendant pose. The benefits of this asana are: to release tension on the lateral muscles of the neck.

Yoga teacher training in india



Because Yoga is a whole life journey and also a discipline, it is not only about performing asanas or postures. The full Yoga practice is a concept which the goal is the purification of the body and mind in parallel.

Such purification brings us harmonic balance including all the activities in our life. From the well functioning of the systems within our body to a deeper understanding of the our mind to create more space and experience mental peace, tranquility,  then more genuine and long term happiness.

The Importance of A Healthy Sleeping Process

To have a good rest is vital. In order to wake up fresh on the next morning and regenerate our body. So we can invest the energy we accumulated to do our yoga practice.

In order to have a quality rest time, it is essential in the first place to make some gap in our mind, emotions and consciousness by the moment we go to sleep. It is likely that the mind would stay  sharp and clear even by the moment we wake up.

As well as it is recommended to make some space in the mind in the moment we go to sleep. You can do it by keeping aside certain worries, avoiding the contact with the phone and similar devices. It is also essential to have some space in the stomach, in other words it is important to have an early and light dinner that would be easier to digest.


Kriyas (Purification of the body)

The purpose of these cleansing exercises, according to the nature of our body, is to help with the elimination of the toxins.

According to the classical Hatha yoga knowledge, there are six main Kriyas  (Shat Kriyas):

  • Neti: It implies different kinds of nasal cleansing.
  • Dhauti: A method to clean the upper digestive system.
  • Nauli: It is the strengthening of the abdomen as well as the purification of the digestive system.
  • Kapalabhati: The cleansing of the respiratory system: from the nasal cavities to the lungs lungs, as well as mental impurities.
  • Trataka: A mind purifying technique through the sense of sight using the flame of a candle.

Such cleansing or purification get a stronger effect on the body if we apply them on an empty stomach as well as our yoga asana practice, if we  have to do it early morning. Otherwise it is better to leave a gap of three to four hours after having meals.

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Ahimsa: Taking Care of Our Body, Practicing Non-Violence

Since all yoga practices lead to the path of liberation through the philosophic principles such as respect, solidarity and devotion. In the asana practice it is applied as the term ‘Ahimsa’ (nonviolence). It means to establish a relationship with our body with the purpose of having a deeper understanding according to what it needs for maintaining the harmony within. To be aware of certain physical limitations or injuries, it is necessary to warm the body up previously to the performance of the asanas, as well as increasing the capacity to be able to perform more advanced ones.


To Be Present is To Be Connected With Our Own Nature:

  • Before the practice it is very important to let go any thought from the past or the future. So we can connect with the present moment and link with our body.
  • When we are linked with our body, we can deepen our yoga practice by connecting to the breath with every posture. Which means that we are able to unify the inhalation- exhalation when we enter to the posture, when we are in the posture itself and finally on the way out of it.
  • These are some tips that will do of your yoga Asana practice, a conscious activity. And therefore your will be able to notice the benefits within your body and the mind.
300 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Five Things You Did Not Know About Teaching Yoga


A Yoga Teacher is a learner as well, an educator who is always striving for more knowledge and gaining new skills to bring improvements in his curriculum and impart better lessons. He goes beyond the conventional ways to add versatility to his existing format and bring something new and refreshing in his lesson. He is not only an educationist but also a guide and a counselor who can nurture his student’s inherent capabilities to make them capable enough to become a good teacher and a better human being.

However following are the few tips that can help the teacher to add value to an existing format of teaching:

Start the Class with Savasana

Generally, Savasana is done towards the middle or the end of the session, but if it is performed in the beginning, it can be very beneficial for the students who come to attend the session after their hectic schedule, so they are tired. Few minutes of Savasana can be very relaxing and can mentally prepare them to perform the poses.

Give Time for Meditation

Avoid starting the session with heavy poses. If you see students are drained, motivate them to sit with their eyes closed and meditate for few minutes. Teach them some meditation techniques, which would cool their mind and make them more at ease and then start the session but with lighter poses.

Modify the Poses

Many students attends yoga with a history of illness or a physical injury, or they might be currently suffering from any illness or pain, so it is highly suggested to modify the poses that suit their physical needs. The main skill lies in making space for them so that they feel comfortable in performing poses. If you feel breaking down the sequences will be more beneficial for the students, do it.

Teach Variations in Poses

If a student finds difficulty in performing a pose, provide a variation and teach how to perform it well. Demonstrate the variation and show how easy it would be if it is performed in a slightly modified way. The customized variation technique would make students feel comfortable in performing the asana.

Show Positive Attitude

Start your class with a positive note, an anecdote or a small story. These few words can fill the students with enthusiasm to perform their best.

The true skill of Yoga Master lies in on how well they teach the poses through modifications and necessary adjustments. Besides, Yoga teacher always tries to create an emotional connection with the students to understand them well. And a feeling of happiness and satisfaction, which they get after the class, cannot be described in words.

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